5 Things They Teach You At Blowjob School 

woman-609252_640Have you ever been curious about what goes down at those blowjob workshops? Well, thanks to the sex educators and other experts from around the country who’ve generously shared their expertise, now you can find out! Here’s their best advice from BJ classes.

  1. Start slow
    A sex and kink coach says, “Just let them experience the warmth of your breath and wetness of your tongue then gently begin to suck. Anticipation will make your partner even hotter.” Ooh, the anticipation!
  2. Use lube
    People often think that their own saliva is enough to do the trick, but sexperts advise starting off with some lube to get things nice and wet. They also recommend sucking on hard, sugar-free candy to build up the saliva in your mouth, then “after a few minutes, you may build up enough of your own juices to keep the action going.”
  3. Get hands-on
    According to sex educators, this is the trick to a great blowjob: “Remember: A good blow job is 50 percent hands. https://www.niteflirt.com/goody/search?text=handjobUsing your hands, with even pressure and friction in concert with your mouth, does more than what your mouth can do on its own.”
  4. Know your curves to maximize deep-throating
    Deep throating is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent working with the curve and angle of your partner’s dick. For example, if you’re working with a dick that’s curved or angled upward, “have them lie down on a bed, kneel next to them facing their feet, and lean down until you’re comfortable. From there, open your throat like you would for a yawn ― now your partner’s penis can slide down your throat at a more comfortable and natural angle.” Like a glove!
  5. Don’t forget “the boys”
    Seriously—don’t! At blowjob workshops, sexperts encourage you to get well acquainted with the balls if you want to give a good blowjob: “I encourage starting your blow job here, actually; spending a bit of time with ‘the boys’ helps boost his arousal before you start bobbing.”

Looking for a successful sexual experience? Come learn from the masters right here!

Check out more tips from blowjob school: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/blow-job-school-lessons_us_58894b3fe4b0737fd5cb8621

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