6 Sex Facts Your History Teachers Never Told You

magicwandarthistoryKinksters have been around for a long, long time. From goat eyelash cock rings to stone dildos, our ancestors have been getting freaky since antiquity. Here are 6 historical sex facts you definitely never learned about in History class.

  1. The first cock rings were made from goat eyelashes
    Cock rings made from the eyelids of goats were commonly used in China around 1200. The eyelashes were left on to add a little bit of extra stimulation.
  2. The first dildos were made of stone
    The oldest stone dildo is around 28,000 years old. Later versions were covered in leather to make them softer and warmer.
  3. Hardcore porn took off in the 1920s
    Almost as soon as cameras were invented, people started taking sex photographs. Many showed penetrative sex as well as “non-standard” sexual practices like lesbianism.
  4. King Edward VII spent a lot of time in a French brothel
    In the 1880’s, King “Bertie” would regularly frequent one of Paris’ most exclusive brothels. He spent so much time there that an erotic chair was built just for him to use as he fucked a series of French courtesans (check out a picture below).
  5. Sex clubs were all the rage in the 1700s
    Notorious sex clubs were very popular, like “Beggar’s Bension” in Scotland. Members would meet to read scandalous banned books and have sex with willing girls.
  6. By 300AD, Rome had 45 brothels
    They were so popular that they wouldn’t open until the afternoon because otherwise no one would go to work in the morning. “Road signs” shaped like cocks pointed the way to the nearest pleasure house.

Looking for something kinky yourself? Come make your way to NiteFlirt’s pleasure house!

Check out more historical sex facts: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hilarywardle/nsfw-historical-sex-facts-no-one-tells-you-about-at-school

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