7 Funny Tweets About Having A Pussy

People on Twitter have been looking inward (no pun intended!) since the lockdown began—and yes we’re talking about pussies! Whether the ladies need to bemoan quarantine-celibacy or not being able to get a wax, these tweets capture what life is like for pussies right now. Here are the best 7 tweets about having a pussy:

  1. “who called it vagina and not penis flytrap”
    Pussy dad joke?
  2. “*coughs*
    *dust shoots out of vagina*”

    Not sure there’s a mask for that…
  3. “Before lockdown, I had laser hair removal on my lady parts. They only did the top half and I didn’t get to go back for the bottom half. Now my vag is bare up top, and a bush down below. My vagina has a mullet.”
    Could be a new hair trend!
  4. “My 4-yr old just fell off her bike and said, ‘I fell and it hurt my vagina, but I got right back up.’ New motto to live by, ladies.”
    Right on!
  5. “I haven’t seen my vagina in a month. My bf says she’s doing good but what the hell do he know.”
    It’s all about trust in a relationship…
  6. “I once accidentally sent a photo of my vagina to my son’s guidance counselor and she emailed me saying she had received a ‘very disturbing image’ from me and I’m still waiting for an apology.”
    Fair enough!
  7. “I haven’t been touched in so long my vagina is now purely decorative.”
    We can help with that!

Do you love pussy? Come show your appreciation right here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more funny tweets about having a pussy: https://www.buzzfeed.com/crystalro/funny-vagina-tweets-2

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