8 Naughty Halloween Costumes For Men 

Image Source: HalloweenExpress, Costume Super Center, Spirit Supercenter, Totally Costumes

What is it about Halloween that brings out the naughtiness in people? From every iteration of a “sexy” costume to ones that are basically just a dirty joke, Halloween seems to make everyone randy. Here are 8 naughty Halloween costumes for men that will have you asking Trick or Treat?

Adult Genie In a Lamp
The lamp around your waist reads “Rub Me!” It’ll take magic for that one to work…

Shocker Costume

Yup: a giant hand holding up two fingers (for the pink) and a pinky (for the stink). The product description on this one reads, “Those three fingers will leave you well remembered among the ladies.” Or maybe they’ll just be shocked?

Free Willie Adult Costume
This one takes a beloved children’s movie starring an adorable whale and turns it into a dick joke. Not sure the ladies will be cheering for you in the end in this costume…


Wanna See My Nuts
It’s a tree costume with a cute squirrel popping out from the groin area. Are we noticing a trend here with punny dick jokes?

Down For the Count
Take Dracula and a horny vampire who loves to give blow-
jobs and you’ve got the perfect costume!

The Fire Extinguisher
It’s a fireman’s costume—but with a hose for a dick! Don’t see many women putting out your fire with this.


Adult Droopers Costume
It’s a dude dressed up as an old lady wearing a “Droopers” crop top (like the Hooters one)–only with fake droopy tits hanging down!


Hung Like a Horse 
Strap a horse’s head to your crotch and you’re good to go!


Looking for a little naughtiness yourself? You don’t need a dirty costume to get a good treat this Halloween!

Check out more naughty Halloween costumes for men here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sexual-male-humor-costumes_us_57f2b7d6e4b0d0e1a9a923b6?

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