By MissReaghan
Hello, gents. Look, normally I would give you the big, eloquent speech about how I am a British-born Goddess, and all of you should bow before me and offer your money as a sacrifice, and blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda. Not today, though.
Here is the real meat of the matter that needs to be choked down before we can have the sweet pudding of our fantasy time: You are a loser who needs to pay women to talk to you and act like they give any shred of a damn about you or to have phone sex with you if you are lucky. It is especially hard to get attractive women such as me because, well, we are hot and our time is more valuable. Sorry to tell you this, but I have had a little champagne tonight and did not quite feel up to the charade that all of us often feed you.
The truth is, well, none of us care about you in the slightest. Half the time, if we remember anything about you, it’s because you gave us a bucket of money or you are a frequent caller. But let’s face it, if number two is true, then that means number two is, too. Also, even if you do give us a bucket full of money, most financial domination Mistresses will still sound completely uninterested in you because now they just want to go online and buy shoes with the money you just gave them and your fantasies are impeding that process.
I feel bad for all of you, I really do. Well, kind of. So I tell you what, even though it might take you giving me money in the double digits, or even triple digits for some of you, to be worth my time, when you do make it worth it, I will act super-interested in what you have to say! Deal?