NEWS: A Man’s Man Gets The Job Done!

I’ve dated all different types of guys, extroverts, introverts, aggressive, passive, and the unfortunate passive aggressive (never again). I’ve dated shy guys, confident dudes, and of course the lovely lumberjack types… they are my personal favs. A man who isn’t afraid to tell you what they want, when they want (in a respectful manner obv). A man who has a beard sent from the gods, Paul Bunyan features, and who prefers splitting wood vs. a session of p90x. Okay… for real, a man doesn’t need their face to grow like a chia pet or have a body like Zeus but a little authority in the bedroom can go a long way.

A recent study shows that women have more frequent orgasms when making sweet love to a masculine, dominant male. This study was conducted by the University of Pennsylvania (published in Evolution and Human Behavior) and focused on the correlation between the timing and regularity of female orgasms, and genetic qualities such as; attractiveness, facial symmetry, masculinity, and dominance. It’s so friggin’ true… simply taking off the panties mildly rough and whispering what you want will make your woman melt, guaranteed.

The researchers found that women reported having “more frequent and earlier timed” orgasms when having sex with the more dominant, masculine men. The men that made the dreams come true in the bedroom had “objectively-measured facial masculinity, observer-rated facial masculinity, partner-rated masculinity, and partner-rated dominance.” Ya hear that guys? Take the bull by the horns and lead the way.

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