NEWS: I Wonder If They Have a Dollar Menu?

In case you were unaware, Zurich Switzerland has been working on opening up drive-in sex huts. Yes! It works a bit like a fast food joint, only there is no food served! Only sex, straight up! These drive-in sex joints were built to increase the safety of sex workers and regulate the sex industry. 9 small cabin like structures were built at a whopping $2,000,000 (give or take) in Zurich. I guess it’s true if you build it they will cum!

The fornicating forts are in use daily, from dusk til 5am. Posters of safe sex practices and panic alarms are in the buildings to encourage and enforce safety for all participants.

Michael Herzig, director of social services for sex workers in the city, said:

‘Prostitution is a business basically. We cannot prohibit it, so we want to control it in favour of the sex workers and the population because if we do not control it, organized crime is taking over, and the pimps are taking over.

I think Herzig has a point if it’s going to happen at least make significant strides to keep people out of danger, and in the know when it comes to safe sex practices. What are your thoughts?

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1 Response to NEWS: I Wonder If They Have a Dollar Menu?

  1. Miss Reaghan says:

    I think the US could take notes on how other countries approach sex workers. Instead of keeping it criminal and forcing people to hide what they are doing … legalize it, protect it and keep the criminal element out. Want an example of how well it works? Look at the abortion before vs after Roe v Wade. Look at the results of Prohibition.
    Making something illegal only makes it more appealing to those who seek to profit from it and keep people subjugated.

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