Religious Fetish; How I Got Started In It

By Mysteria aka Goddess Bella Donna

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One of the many fetishes I am known for among my connoisseurs of the more unusual is religious fetish or more to the point blasphemy fetish. I slip easily into the role of the Naughty Nun who will take your confession and of course reinforce your sinful behavior via some orders to cleanse your soul. The other aspect of me of course is the “Satanic Goddess” in which I straight up lead you into temptation and have you do unspeakable things to religious artifacts or explain to you in a very intellectual way why you are a fool for being a follower of the religion you do follow.

What a lot of people don’t know about me is how I got into this.

www.niteflirt.com_goddessbelladonna1I was baptized catholic but brought up Lutheran. We weren’t a strictly religious household mind you but we still observed all the high holidays of the Christian faith of course. Only to me something always seemed sort of wrong and since I have always been extremely inquisitive I questioned everything.

Over the years I found my personal spiritual path in Witchcraft and had an amazing High Priestess who was a much older Strega Crone. So many things started falling into place for me at that time and as I grew in my personal path the falsities of religion became clearer and clearer to me. I do not follow any one tradition but am very eclectic and common sense based with a good dose of science mixed in.

I did try to revert for the sake of some very special people to me back into Christianity at one point and even went as far as to becoming an assistant youth minister but I felt like a big fat fraud. I didn’t belief the things I preached and part of me wanted to scream; “Try thinking for yourself. Stop being sheep!”

Needless to say that didn’t go very far and I once more turned my back on it. Now I have always been a bit of a Teacher personality and a counselor without the degree and this of course carried itself over into my phone sex career as well.

During one lengthy call with a very sweet but highly misguided caller we discussed religion and of course the different dogmas associated with the various denominations. As we did so I noticed that the more I spoke against it and called certain ways of thought into question with reality based proof to the contrary the heavier his breathing became. Being the astute Lady that I am it clicked in me that my blasphemous “Satanic Sunday School Teacher” talk was turning him on. I would dare say it gave him the hardest orgasm of his life. I started to wonder if there were more people like him who loved to have their “soul” dirtied by me. After some research the resounding answer was ‘yes’.

www.niteflirt.com_goddessbelladonna2Where most women in religious fetish go along the lines of stuffing their holes with religious artifacts and become the naughty whore, I turned it more into my domination line of thinking and became the dark Goddess who would command absolute obedience from her dark minions. Making them pray to Me and Satan (someone I don’t acknowledge personally at all) and leading them into their personal erotic Hell where Demons may use them as sexual toys. Since all of this is pure fantasy I can do all sorts of, erm, interesting… things with them that way.

My dark Mass and satanic Sunday School teachings are not for the weak of heart. I do have a light side to myself which brings forth Goddess worship on that listing as well. This is why we are always going to do an orientation call first before we decide what you – callers- can handle.

Many think they are ready for the dark side but once you get started their religious background gets in the way and they can’t let go enough to enjoy it. So it is better to just talk to me honestly the first time around. Of course as with all of my listings you have to keep it over 18 and ‘Terms of Service’ correct. Don’t know what the TOS regulations are? Please make sure you get informed. I hate having to hang up on anyone.

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_mysteria3The wonderful thing about blasphemy or religious fetish is that you can participate in it with me even if you don’t have the money to go out and purchase a lot of different toys to use. It is a very mental fetish that becomes automatically sinful and blasphemous the moment we talk about it and bring religion into question.

Oh and why do I call myself satanic if I don’t even belief in Satan? Simple because that is how the Churches would label me. So I deal with the urges of the flesh and encourage you to be the human lustful being you were born to be. Makes me pretty evil in their eyes eh?
Now there is only one thing left to say: “Come to the dark side puppets I have hard cocks for you… ahaha!”

-Mysteria aka Goddess Bella Donna

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2 Responses to Religious Fetish; How I Got Started In It

  1. Crystal says:

    Thanks and like you I grew up in a religious house hold and now on my off days I call in phone dating numbers. And since it’s free for women I spend hours loving the sound of men cumming to nasty thoughts.

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