NEWS: Study Shows That Rich Women Are Having Better Sex

While there is nothing we hate more than a bunch of nonsense about best_phone_sex_niteflirt_moneysexhow you have to be rich to enjoy life, we couldn’t help but be drawn to a story about rich women having better sex lives. Studies about fucking interest us more than any other topic, so no one should be surprised that we had to read on. According to a study done by the Spanish National Sexual Health Survey, your socioeconomic status is directly correlated to how good or bad your sex life is.

They surveyed over 10,000 women, and found that a whopping 90% were satisfied with their sex lives. They then compared those findings with the financial status of the respondents, and found that the richer they are, the more likely they were to answer that they have great sex on the regular. It doesn’t seem that crazy to us, but do you think that how much money you have directly relates to your satisfaction in bed?

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