NEWS: Porn Addiction Is A Myth, Study Says

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexygirl16There’s big business these days in the diagnosis of people with ‘porn addiction’ and a new study shows that that whole thing may be a bunch of nonsense. Well, not the idea that people are super into watching porn, and that sometimes they watch it a lot more frequently than others, but that there is no science to support that it is a literal addiction. In fact, studies show that there are far more positive effects to viewing porn than negative.

In a review of the study, Dr. David Ley, PHD explains this further. He and his team actually believe that it “can improve attitudes towards sexuality, increase the quality of life and variety of sexual behaviors and increase pleasure in long-term relationships.” This is great news, because you know we love us some porn, and we know you do too.

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