NEWS: Sex With More Than 20 Women Is Good!

The University of Montreal just published a ground-breaking study which shows that men who fuck more than 20 women over their lifetime drastically cut their risk of prostate cancer. The study followed more than 3,200 men over a four year period, and the men who slept with the most women lowered their risk of developing cancer by about 1/3, and were also 19% less likely to develop the most aggressive form. The researchers explain that “having many female sexual partners results in a higher frequency of ejaculations,” which basically means that the more a guy cums, the better off his prostate will be.best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexybucketlist

This is because fucking has a protective effect against cancer, since cumming releases the concentration of carcinogenic substances in the prostate. In a surprising contrast, gay men who slept with more than 20 men doubled their risk of prostate cancer.

So there you have it, straight dudes: more fucking with more ladies = good for your health! And here at Niteflirt, we all about giving your body what it needs to be happy, healthy, and satisfied!

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