Ted Cruz Doppelganger Set to Star in a Porn Film

Searcy Hayes became internet-famous after appearing on an episode of Maury to prove to her fiance that their son is biologically his. But she didn’t get famous for that—instead, the internet flipped over how uncannily similar she looks to GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz! And now, XHamster is offering Hayes a starring role in her very own porn. She’s confirmed that for $10,000 she’ll cash in on her internet success and make her adult entertainment debut.


“We wanted Searcy because overnight she became a viral meme,” said the porn site’s spokesperson Mike Kulich. “I think a lot of XHamster viewers really wanted to see her in action.” Perhaps even stranger than Hayes’ resemblance to Cruz is the fact that she has no idea who the guy is: “I never thought that somebody would compare me to, you know, like a president or whatever he was before he started running for president or anything. I mean, I’m still kinda shocked and amazed about it but God does what he wants to do,” Hayes said in an interview with the Daily Mail about the comparison. Well, Cruz fans, if you want to see his porn doppelganger in action, here’s your chance!

Looking for some action yourself? We can shock and amaze you right here!

Check out more about the Ted Cruz doppelganger who’s set to star in a porn: https://theslot.jezebel.com/ted-cruz-doppelganger-takes-her-15-minutes-and-stars-in-1772972164

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