Adult Bullying?! A Big No-No!

One issue that completely boggles my mind is that adults bully each other. I’ve witnessed it and experienced it (on the shitty end of the stick).

I recently came across a study by the University of Michigan reveals that “less attractive” adults in the workplace are more likely to experience bullying… seriously wtf?!

The researchers surveyed 114 workers at a health care facility in the southeastern United States. The workers were asked how often their co-workers engaged in cruel behavior toward them (which included saying hurtful things, acting rudely and making fun of them).

People who didn’t know the study participants judged their attractiveness from digital photos.

The “unattractive” workers were treated much more harshly than attractive employees even when other key factors were taken into account, including age, gender and how long they had worked at the health care facility.”

Whether someone is easy on the eyes or has less than favorable physical traits bullying is absolute nonsense and is poisonous. Folks who bully need to take a few steps back and ask themselves a few questions: Where is the bullying getting you? Would you want to be treated the same way? Are you aware of what bullying can lead to? On the bright side anti bullying campaigns are on the up and up and people are taking a stance.

Hot or not, everyone deserves a little love! Just a friendly reminder to end this holiday week with. Happy Friday!

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