August Blowout: A Huge Success

The second of our August contests is now finished and we’re ready to start awarding some money!

1st: GlitterGoddess
2nd: IvoryDancer
3rd: Trance

Incredible! All the Flirts at the top really did an extraordinary job of pushing their Goodies this month to unique customers. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t place though! We’re cooking up some new competitions and we will be looking to get even more Flirts involved this next go around.

The following Flirts also each sold more than $1000 in the last two weeks of August and will receive a $100 bonus: white lingerie angel

Isabella Valentine
Lauren Rules 
Femdom Life Coach 
Goddess Lycia 
Queen of The Night 

And finally an extra $300 goes to our final two weeks of August grand champion…


A huge thank you to everyone who participated and made some money for themselves by selling their Goodies in the process. The point of these contests is to not only reward all of you for your hard work but also to show you just how great of a new revenue stream Goodies can be. Keep at it!

We had a record month selling Goodies. August was truly off the charts. Thanks to all of you and let’s keep pushing our Goodies program through the roof!

Until the next competition…

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