August Blowout Final Contest Update

Update Time at the midway point of our second August contest. Just as before it’s a close race with many Flirts doing amazingly well.

The list of unique buyers just keeps going up and up and we are loving it! There are so many Flirts that are within striking distance that it is clearly anyone’s competition right now. Here’s a current list of the contest rankings in the forums so you all can see how you are doing so far!

NiteFlirt_best_Phone _Sex_Screen_shot_2011-03-03_at_9.47.13_AM

We’ve been saying it since we launched Goodies: you all are selling at an amazing rate! Keep it up! Keep creating and selling! We’ll be giving away a serious amount of cash at the end of August to reward all of your hard work!

Don’t forget that you don’t even have to win any competition at all this month to earn some extra money. NiteFlirt will be giving $100 to every Flirt that sells over $1000 in Goodies between Aug 16 and Aug 31! Every single Flirt.

There’s more money up for grabs as well! Be sure to check the full contest details for a breakdown.

This is the final contest of August so sell, sell, sell and earn those bonuses!

We’ll check in at the end of the month to let you know how it all ended up!

Good luck!

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