Christians Giving Up Porn For Lent Are The Reason For Drop In Computer Viruses

oldsexChristians who gave up porn for Lent may be the reason for the 17 percent drop in computer virus infections, according to security experts. Researchers say malware infections dropped in the US since the start of Lent, a time when many people decide to give up porn for the religious holiday. Cyber security experts say that adult websites are “common sources” of virus infections—but many believe porn sites are the most common source of malware worldwide.

Researchers looked at US cities with high Catholic populations, including Boston, which saw a 36 percent drop since the start of Lent, and New York, that had numbers fall by almost a third. “Hackers frequently target explicit websites and set traps to bypass the security of computers and phones that visit them. A survey published last month suggested a third of web users could have an infected device thanks to their porn viewing habits,” reports Daily Mail. Since more than 40 percent of adults admit to watching porn daily, “digital STI’s” should maybe be considered Public Enemy No. 1?

Looking for some good adult entertainment? Lent or no, you’re safe here with us on NiteFlirt!

Check out more about how computer viruses dropped when Christians gave up porn for Lent:

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