Couples Seek Genital “Matchmaking” To Improve Lockdown Sex

One plastic surgeon is bringing isolated lovers closer together—literally. Couples are clamoring to undergo “genital matchmaking” by enhancing their dicks and pussies to achieve the “perfect fit.” The Glancey Medical Associates founder explained that “men who frequently masturbate find it difficult to climax during intercourse with a woman” because their hand is more of a “perfect fit” than their partner’s pussy.

To help, Glancey said she can increase men’s penis girth with filler or even fat from their own body. Female counterparts also can undergo a “combination of a nonsurgical vaginal tightening and surgical labiaplasty” (think lip reduction and fillers but for down under), according to Glancey, who assesses each couple individually to ensure the ideal match. “Couples now are more educated about what makes them enjoy their sex life even more,” said the cosmetic surgeon. “And one of the things they seek is that perfect fit, like a glove on your hand or a key in a keyhole.”

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Check out more about “genital matchmaking”:

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