Dennis Hof Elected To Nevada State Assembly Even Though He’s Dead

wtf-1780728_640Brothel owner Dennis Hof recently won the election for the Nevada State Assembly—even though he’s dead. The famous pimp turned Trump-inspired Republican candidate owned multiple brothels in Nevada, including Cat House, which became an HBO late-night series. Hof, who called himself the “Trump of Pahrump,” was found dead the morning after his birthday party by porn star Ron Jeremy, a close friend.

By the time he was confirmed deceased, it was too late to take his name off the ballot. The Republican candidate was highly inspired by President Donald Trump, and decided to change his career from “brothel owner” to “political candidate”. The county commissioners will appoint someone who is in the same party as Hof to fill the seat.

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Check out more about deceased Dennis Hof winning the Nevada State Assembly:

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