Don’t Reuse Your Condoms, The CDC Warns

https-%2f%2fblueprint-api-production-s3-amazonaws-com%2fuploads%2fcard%2fimage%2f117696%2fmain-image_zframwCondoms are a great way to practice safe sex—when used correctly. Apparently, that doesn’t always happen, according to the CDC (the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Recently, they issued a warning on Twitter, saying: “We say it because people do it: Don’t wash or reuse condoms! Use a fresh one for each sex act.”

The CDC added, “Incorrect use, such as reusing a condom or using more than one at a time, diminishes the protective effect of condoms by leading to condom breakage, slippage, or leakage.” Of course, some Twitter users’ responses were pretty great: “Hold on babe, let me just grab one off the clothes line…” Another tweet said, “Well, what the hell am I supposed to do with all these condoms in the dishwasher now?” Condoms are a single-use item (duh): “Let’s say you have sex three times in one night — you should be changing the condom three times or before the next sex act,” says the CDC.

Want to practice safe sex? Come join NiteFlirt for your “next sex act!”

Check out more about the CDC’s tweet about not reusing condoms:

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