‘Fictosexuals’ Are Real People Who Only Get Turned On By Fictional Characters

A Japanese man who tied the knot with a computer-synthesized character is on a mission to educate people about fictosexuals. He married made-up pop singer Hatsune Miku and identifies as fictosexual, an umbrella term for anyone who only experiences sexual attraction to fictional characters. The man—a researcher of sexuality—told the New York Times there are thousands of fictosexual marriages in Japan: “for character lovers, this practice is seen as essential. It makes them feel alive, happy, useful and part of a movement with higher goals in life.”

Many fictosexuals identify under one of several subcategories: cartosexuals, for instance, are only attracted to cartoon or comic book characters, while gamosexuals are turned on by video game characters. Magisexuals prefer to create ideas in their head of what their fictional lover looks like. Fictosexuals even have their own flag—one person recently shared it on Twitter, writing, “Fictosexual and I’m proud of it. No reason to be ashamed of it.”

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Check out more about fictosexuality: https://nypost.com/article/what-is-fictosexuality-meaning-definition/

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