Finally, There’s A Fisting Emoji

Image Credit: The NY Post

There’s 117 new emojis this year—and some appear to imply quite a bit more than intended. One new emoji called “pinched fingers” has Twitter talking about its true, far naughtier meaning: fisting. “Stop. This is not the Italian hand gestures emoji,” sniped one snarky Twitter user. “This is the fisting emoji.”

“Well the gays have a new fisting emoji…,” added another. “The straight people are so confused.” It’s still unclear how social media might respond to the sexually suggestive emoji—Facebook recently banned the use of the eggplant and peach emojis over their secondary sexual meanings. Alaska may see the most use of the emoji, however, as fisting was found to be the state’s most popular fetish in a recent survey of Google trends search data.

Looking for some extreme pleasure? Open up NiteFlirt, and… “pinched fingers” + “wink wink” = “happy face!”

Check out more about the new “fisting” emoji”:

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