‘Flirt of the Day’ Program on Twitter

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_attentionAttention Flirts!

If you’d like to be considered for our ‘Flirt of the Day’ on social media please let us know by filling out Customer Support form and provide us with your twitter handle (don’t forget to mention you would like to be considered for Flirt of the Day).

Please be aware that we do have criteria for consideration for our ‘Flirt of the Day’ program:

  • You must have Goodies, as they are the current focus of our marketing department.

  • We will post a photo of you on Twitter when you are the Flirt of the day. You should have at least one photo of you on your listings or as your Goodies Thumbnail. Having multiple is a big plus!

  • Being active on Twitter is also a big plus, but not a requirement. If you are compliant with our social media policies we will mention your Twitter handle in our tweet.

  • Finally, you must be in good standing with our Play Fair department.

We’d love to feature everyone over time so please don’t be shy and throw your hat into the ring!

Also, if you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Twitter!


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