Harry Styles Talks About His Sex Life In ‘Better Homes & Gardens’

Harry Styles opened up recently about his sexuality in an unlikely interview with Better Homes & Gardens (of all magazine’s!). “For a long time, it felt like the only thing that was mine was my sex life,” Styles said. “I felt so ashamed about it, ashamed at the idea of people even knowing that I was having sex, let alone who with.”

His role in the hit boyband One Direction was, as Better Homes & Gardens put it, “an object onto which people project fantasies,” not an actual, sexual person. Eventually, Styles says he “got to a place where I was like, why do I feel ashamed? I’m a 26-year-old man who’s single; it’s like, yes, I have sex.” In responding to whether he likes to fuck men, Styles said, “I’ve been really open with [my sexuality] with my friends, but that’s my personal experience; it’s mine.” Styles continued, “The whole point of where we should be heading, which is toward accepting everybody and being more open, is that it doesn’t matter, and it’s about not having to label everything, not having to clarify what boxes you’re checking.”

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Check out more about Harry Styles discussing his sex life with Better Homes & Gardens: https://jezebel.com/i-m-obsessed-with-harry-styles-talking-about-his-sex-li-1848843894?utm_campaign=Jezebel&utm

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