Hilarious Tweets About Sex In Your Thirties

white-1822497_640Ah, sex in your thirties. It’s probably hotter than it’s ever been—women reach their sexual peak in their 30s, after all—but you might not have the, um, stamina you did in your 20s. Here are the most accurate and hilarious tweets to sum up the experience.

  1. “Oooo baby, whatcha got under them khakis—sex in your 30s”
    Here’s looking at you, hot soccer MILFs!
  2. Sex In Your 30s #Haikuha
    We can open this
    2nd bottle or wine, or
    have sex—but not both.”

    Well, both things are likely to make you sleepy…
  3. Listen, I’m 30. It would behoove you to not walk in my bedroom thinking you’re gonna be the best I ever had the first time we have sex.”
    So much less naïve than in your twenties.
  4. Is it a thing when you’re in your 30s to be normal and unassuming one day and a raging sex fiend the next? Asking for a friend.”
    Woman in her thirties: feeling hot hot hot!
  5. I think all the sex in your twenties just fine tunes the kind of perv you’ll be in your thirties…”
    Yup, pretty much!
  6. Sex in my 30s has been varied. No threesomes, a couple of twosomes…….. lots of onesomes.”
    Nothing wrong with some good self-love!
  7. Being in your 30s is just wanting sex, naps, and new throw pillows all the time.”
    Sounds like heaven.
  8. The best part about sex in your thirties is that you can go totally HAM, take a Centrum, and then be asleep by 11pm.”
    And again, sex in your thirties is sounding pretty nice…

Feeling hot hot hot yourself? Come swing those sexy khakis our way!

Check out more tweets that accurately sums up sex in your thirties: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/this-is-sex-in-your-30s_us_58d94c05e4b03787d35ad111

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