Hugh Hefner Had His “Personal Stash” Destroyed

selfie-1313607_640Hugh Hefner, the figurehead of Playboy Magazine, died in 2017. But that doesn’t mean we’ll have access to any of his… umm, personal stash of raunchy material. According to The Daily Mirror, the nudie-mag magnate had all of his private tapes, pictures, and even personal notes from famous people thrown out at some point in the 1990s. That treasure trove of “intimate memorabilia” was discarded because much of the material was not just from the various photo shoots of Playboys past, but of famous people that had partied (or more) with him.

According to the source that spoke to The Sun, “Hugh explained that he didn’t want anyone’s lives, marriages or careers to be destroyed by what he had in his library,” consisting of pictures, 8mm and cinefilm videotape, and even audio recordings. So what did he do? From the same source, he had the entire collection dumped into the ocean in a concrete-lined coffin. If any of the stuff survived the dive, imagine being the lucky diver that finds THAT treasure trove!

Looking to build a secret and intimate trove of your own? NiteFlirt can help with that!

Check out more about Hefner’s alleged stash:…/hugh-hefners-strange-request-treasure-13636417

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