‘Hurt Me’ Sex Memes Are Hilariously Painful

feet-1095408_1280The latest Twitter meme is causing pain to BDSM enthusiasts—pain from too much laughter, that is. Kinksters who like to inflict pain during BDSM sessions will get a real kick out of the new “hurt me” meme. It turns out there’s a lot of different ways to “hurt” someone…

  1. Me during sex: hurt me
    Them: we are in august and you haven’t done anything right with your life in the whole year
    Me: what
    Them: what about all of that new year resolutions you were about to do this year??? Where are they??
    Me: stop
  2. Me: I want you to hurt me 😉
    Them: My Chemical Romance broke up
    Me: Wait-
    Them: 5 years ago
    Me: STOP!
  3. [during sex] me: hurt me
    her: sir this is a McDonald’s
    me: McHurt me
  4. Me: I want you to hurt me
    Her: You’ll never get to save the quarian ark
    Me: Wait
    Her: And it’s going to be years before there’s another Mass Effect or Dragon Age
    Me: Stop!

Looking for something that hurts so good? Just make sure you bring your safe word on NiteFlirt!

Check out more “hurt me” memes: https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/hurt-me-sex-memes/

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