Inside Germany’s First Sex Doll Brothel

Germany has joined countries like Japan and Spain in offering a unique sex establishment: sex doll brothels. Bordoll is run by a young madam who operates a brothel and BDSM studio, which now offers clients the option of having sex with one of 11 silicon sex dolls. For $60 for 30 minutes or $90 for an hour curious customers can experience what it’s like to fuck a premium sex doll.

The madam estimates that 30 percent of guests just want to experience what it’s like to have sex with a doll, while 70 percent become regular customers, some of whom travel for miles just for the experience. “These are Next Top Model standard girls,” she boasts. “Most guys would be too intimated to approach a real woman if she looked this good.” She also explains that men like being able to act out their fantasies on a doll, describing the experience as “95 percent” like sleeping with a real women.

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Check out more about the first sex doll brothel in Germany:

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