Introducing Pornhub’s Bundle ‘LifePlan’

cup-1010916_1920Cashing in on the popularity of online streaming, Pornhub announced a new subscription plan. The new deal, known as “LifePlan,” will let users pay a one-time fee of $299 to receive lifetime access to the site’s Pornhub Premium service. Premium videos available as part of the plan—all 125,000 of them—are in high-definition and include no advertisements.

Users will also be able to access 4k content as well as videos filmed for virtual reality headsets. “Life’s a long journey, filled with ups and downs. So you want to know that there’s someone there to lend you a hand when things get hard and the going gets rough,” Pornhub says in the promotional ad. The deal will only be available from Black Friday (Nov. 29) to Cyber Monday (Dec. 2).

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Check out more about Pornhub’s lifetime bundle plan:

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