Native Australians Outraged After Gay Porn Uses Didgeridoo as a Dildo

Image Source: | PantyhoseLuvNative Australians are very upset with a gay porn film that takes the expression “thunder down under” a little too far. The gay porn studio caused outrage after using a ceremonial didgeridoo in a new film called “Didgeridoo Me.” The wind instrument, which was developed by Indigenous Australians and is considered one of the world’s oldest and most sacred musical instruments, was used as a dildo in the x-rated film.

In the scene between Jack Hunter and Aspen, Aspen uses the instrument to “didgeridoo [Jack Hunter] in the ass.” The Star Observer, an Australian LGBT magazine, reports that many Australians have expressed their outrage on social media that the sacred instrument is being used as a sex toy. “Wow, porn actually managed to cross a line—incredibly disrespectful to the Australian Aboriginal communities,” says one commenter. “So no one is going to mention the fact that this is incredibly racist and culturally offensive? Don’t laugh, get angry,” writes another. One thing’s for sure: no one everthought they’d have to ask the question, “why is there a didgeridoo in this porno?”

Looking for something titillating? We always bring the x-rated thunder here!

Check out more about the gay porn film that uses a didgeridoo as a sex toy:

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