Netflix Accidentally Mailed Porn To Subscribers

screen-shot-2016-10-11-at-4-54-43-pm-2When Netflix first started as a mailing DVD service, it pulled a move that might’ve made the family-friendly business much more adult. Netflix CEO Mitch Lowe recently confirmed that the company accidentally sent porn to some of its users. Back in 1998, the company was so eager to transfer and make DVDs that they cut corners by omitting labels—which led to some x-rated movies being secretly distributed.

“When you get DVDs you usually have nice labels, but when you’re going fast you don’t have time for labels. It turns out that [the person] who was a duplicator, also duplicated pornography,” Lowe said. Lowe estimates that maybe only a hundred discs out of the “thousands and thousands” Netflix made were actually porn—but not surprisingly, Netflix never saw them again. “We told our customers to send them back—no one did,” Lowe said.

Looking for a naughty surprise? Let’s get x-rated on NiteFlirt!

Check out more about Netflix accidentally mailing porn to customers:

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