New NYC Bill Would Criminalize AirDropping Unwanted Dick Pics

imageIt seems New York City wants to put an end to creeps airdropping unwanted dick pics to strangers. Three councilmen have proposed a bill that would criminalize whipping out your dick digitally and sending it via texts. Those found guilty of so-called cyberflashing would face up to one year in jail or a fine of up to $1,000 if the bill becomes law.

“In the old days, you had to have a long trench coat and good running shoes,” said Councilman Borelli told the New York Times. “Technology has made it significantly easier to be a creep.” With your AirDrop set to allow images from “Everyone,” any iPhone user within a close range can drop you a nude—a problem that’s been happening to women for years. As one of the councilmen says, “Keep your pic in your pants.”

Looking for something racy? We’ll show you ours if you show us yours at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about a new bill that would criminalize airdropping dick pics:

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