New Ultra-Realistic Sex Doll Can Smile, Moan, and Hold A Conversation

Image Credit: New York Post

The next generation of sex dolls is here, thanks to the coronavirus—and they’re more realistic than ever. A new, eerily realistic “sex robot” that can blink, smile, moan, get goosebumps and hold a conversation has been flying off the shelves since the pandemic struck. The dolls sold by Sex Doll Genie are silicone-based and, according to the founders, look and feel like a real human.

“They are the most realistic on the market. … They say 90% of the sex is in the mind — when the doll you are making love to looks so real, it does indeed make sex more pleasurable and gratifying,” they said. Since the pandemic, the Florida-based company saw orders spike by more than 51% when lockdowns began in the US and other countries. “They’re hand-made. If you look at the video, you can see the veins in the arms or in the chest,” they add. “It’s pretty crazy, I have some videos of their recent order, and you look at these videos and you think, she could just blink any second now, it looks that real.”

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Check out more about new ultra-realistic sex dolls:

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