NEWS: 8 Things Really Silly People Prefer Over Sex

We’re just going to dive right into this one. According to some silly studies, apparently done on very silly people who need to get their priorities straight, there are things people would rather do than fuck. We are having trouble believing this is true, but research is research and we can’t fight everything.

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_bacon2A few of the alternate choices to sex make a little more sense to us than others. Like bacon, for example. We love us some bacon, and if there was a giant cock on a platter next to a plate of sizzling hot bacon, we may think twice about which to put in our mouth.

Others, however, like cell phones, could be used both as an alternative for sex, and a way for us to film ourselves for later use! See, we solved a problem for you! You’re welcome.

To see the full list of things we never want you to choose over a good bang, check out the article here.

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