NEWS: A Blowjob A Day Will Keep The Gag Reflex Away!

Ok, I’ve heard it all now! Dr. J. Peter Zeggara, a Sacramento based doctor had an interesting mouthful of suggestions for an unnamed female patient.

This anonymous patient was discussing her angst with Dr. Zeggara about getting an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, her fears stemming from a ‘very reactive gag reflex.’ Dr Zeggara eased her nerves about the procedure by telling her (in front of her husband); “She should be practicing twice a week on her husband by giving him (oral sex) to address her gagging reflex.” I’m sure after the appointment the husband gave the doc a happy high five!

For anyone unfamiliar with a gastrointestinal endoscopy, the procedure calls for the tip of an endoscope to be inserted into your mouth and moved down through your esophagus and stomach, you get the idea! So even if you’re not an avid deep throater this has to be uncomfortable. As you may have guessed a medical doctor proposing fellatio to a patient might be considered inappropriate.

According to Cassandra Hockenson, with the California Medical Board, Zegarra was really out of line:

“This constituted unprofessional conduct, and so this is a message that this probably wasn’t appropriate. A more appropriate response should have come with regards to dealing with her gag reflex issues.”

Do you think Dr. Zeggara overstepped his boundaries with his honky tonk remedies?

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