NEWS: A Poke on Facebook trumps Pokin’ in the bedroom!?

Quality of communication and relationships has been affected significantly in the last decade, I would go out on a limb and say for the worst in one most cases. Most people can’t sit through a dinner without tweeting, poking, or liking, which can be annoying as all hell. In a recent survey by Sachs Media Group, women between the ages of 18-34 revealed they’d rather have their smartphones than have sex. I wonder if these women were single? I’m single and I’d gladly toss my iphone for a steamy shag, those women should be ashamed.

On the flipside men in that demographic were 5x more likely to go without their smartphone if it meant a shot at some tail, however men were reluctant when asked if they would give up booze for their smartphones. Pussy conquers all!

Social media and cyber communication is everywhere, people sleep by their phones, tweeting pre and post porkin’! Another survey showed that 36 percent of peeps under the age of 35 checked their social media accounts immediately following sex, and that men are twice as likely to tweet after sex as their female sex mates, #ijustlaidpipe and #makemeasandwichnow could be a few of the hastags that follow their tweets. In the same study, researchers discovered that iphone users were 3x more likely than blackberry users to get their social media fix post intercourse. How ya like dem apples!?

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3 Responses to NEWS: A Poke on Facebook trumps Pokin’ in the bedroom!?

  1. Cindy says:

    It is very annoying when people you’re having a meal with are constantly looking down a their phone. As for the “rather have their smartphones than sex” survey, that is just crazy and they certainly didn’t ask me! haha…

  2. Nelson says:

    Iphone or sex? Sex!
    Ipad mini or sex? Ipad mini

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