NEWS: A Session Of Footsie Should End This Way!

2 words, foot orgasm! According to the Huffington Post a 55-year-old woman from the Netherlands was experiencing unwelcomed orgasms originating from her foot! Ummm I’m confused, is there such a thing as an unwelcomed orgasm? Okay all jokes aside, the woman was having 5 to 6 out of the blue orgasms a day, which were not prompted by sexual desires or stimulus. The lady, out of concern, put her best foot forward (lol) and went to the doctor and explained to him that the sensation started in her foot, made its way up her leg to her vagina, and voilà she would have an orgasm, just like during sex.

Dr. Marcel D. Waldinger treated the unnamed lady; he is a neuropsychiatrist and professor in sexual psychopharmacology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. “She felt terrible about it.” Waldinger stated. MRI results proved that there were no major issues however the nerves in her left foot were different than the ones in her right foot. The woman went on to receive injections of an anesthetic in one of her spinal nerves and the foot orgasms stopped completely.

I’m floored by this, how ironic! Women all over try desperately to achieve an orgasm and this poor lady is having them unannounced 5 to 6 times a day, without foreplay of any kind. I could understand why she’d be upset, can you imagine being at a PTA meeting and oh no the tingle in your foot starts and there you are o-facing in front of your child’s teacher!? I guess she could have had it worse though. For the full story on the “foot orgasm syndrome”, read here.

Happy Hump Day!


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