NEWS: Awesome Lady Hires Stripper for Her 100th Birthday

Today in our “things we hope to do one day” segment, we are adding “invite stripper to our 100th birthday party.” Not all of us will live to 100, true, but if we live even into our 80’s, we still want to do this. Maybe every year after 80. What made us think of this, you ask? Well, it’s the story going around the web about the amazing Doris Deahardie.

Doris is incredible, and for her 100th birthday, she went on a helicopter ride, and then hired strippers to show her an awesome night. We love her for this, and want to be her when we grow up. The articles going around claim that she brought baby oil (YES!) and the stripper danced to LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It.”

Doris, you’re our hero.

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