NEWS: Best Time Of Day For Sex?

If you ask us, any time of day is the best time of day for a good fuck, but we’re never one to turn our nose up to sex research. Getting it in during an early morning fondle has it’s perks, or perhaps you are more inclined for a middle of the night, wake me up and throw me down session. We certainly won’t stop you from getting it on during any hour of the day, but we wanted to share this hourly guide created by, which gives you some insight into the horniness each hour brings to men and women. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexhours

To strip it down, it seems that women tend to beg for a good pounding between the hours of 8am and 10am, while men can get it on, well, pretty much all hours of the day. We can’t say that we are surprised by this, and wonder who got lucky enough to score the gig of researching this article? We’re sure NiteFlirt could have given some helpful insight (when is our call volume the highest, perhaps?) but no one reached out.

We also love that the fun fact that between 2pm – 4pm is when a woman’s reproductive system is on point and men’s semen is at the highest quality. Yup, it’s baby making time.

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