NEWS: Big Foot Erotica, The Next Big Thing

So, previously we told you about Dinosaur Erotica, which was pretty hilarious and brilliant. Well of course, not soon after, it was revealed that another writer was taking on a new kind of fan fiction, only this time it involves Big Foot. Yep, that’s right, Big Foot.

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_bigfootThat’s right! Let us introduce you to Virginia Wade, the author behind the classic series, “Cum for Bigfoot.” She’s making a crazy $30k a MONTH writing these popular pieces, and has 16 volumes that you can currently purchase. We’re thinking it’s time to branch into some new writing fields. Also, not to state the obvious, but how about the size of Big Foot’s cock?? Don’t tell us it didn’t cross your mind!

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