NEWS: Clitorises, Climaxing, Connecting…OH MY!

We’ve all read that we need to stop and smell the roses, eat clean, practice yoga, love ourselves, mediate, but what about “Orgasmic Mediation?” As a 30 year old female I can honestly say that climaxing is not always something that I can conquer myself, let alone with a partner (apologizes to my lovely ex’s). I can’t speak for all women but I am sure there are plenty of orgasm deficient ladies out there, including myself.

I recently came across a TEDx lecture that held my undivided attention for an entire fifteen minutes; moreover I was enchanted the whole time (which is a feat) The title of the lecture is “Orgasm. The Cure for the Western Woman” by Nicole Daedone. Daedone is the Founder of OneTaste, a San Francisco based company that is devoted to educating people on topics that I truly believe are vital, that is if you enjoy feeling amazing and experiencing true ecstasy. OneTaste offers training and education on orgasms, communication, and man-woman relationships. This practice is something that Daedone calls OM, Orgasmic Mediation. I think this is a mediation I can handle, ooommmmmmmm.

OneTaste describes OM: “It’s a practice that is a gateway to more vitality, connection, and Turn On. It’s deliberate and structured will repeatable results. It’s mediation, equally powerful for both partners- only the object of focus is the clitoris. OM is a source of power – a well from which to draw energy. It’s profound, yet simple and you can have it whether you are single or couple.” I don’t know about you but they had me at “object of focus is the clitoris”, I was sold!

OneTaste offers training through social media, conferences, and in-person private coaching. I suggest during your long holiday weekend you do yourself a favor and set aside fifteen minutes to watch Daedone’s TEDx lecture, who knows you might find your legs “butterflied open” and in a euphoric state, you’ll understand after you watch!

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