NEWS: Does Size Matter? Science Has The Answer

Finally, science answers the long-debated question: does dick size matter for sexual pleasure or attractiveness? The answer: yes and no. Evolutionarily, women chose to fuck partners with bigger cocks—what science calls “sexual selection”—because this would ensure genes get passed on. Basically, the bigger the cock, the better the “depth of thrust,” which means cum can travel farther therefore beating out rival cum. But what about sexual pleasure? Well, it’s been reported that a larger dick can stimulate the entire pussy, so a woman can have a better, more intense vaginal orgasm with a longer cock. But, this is not the only type of female orgasm: there is also the coveted G-spot orgasm, which is located only 1/3 of the way inside the pussy; there is also the clit orgasm, which only requires a finger, vibrator, tongue, etc. Oh, the glory of the pussy!


So, because we can get off in so many hot and exciting ways, women don’t really care that much about size. Gay men, however, love them some big, girthy cock; the bigger the better! What can be agreed upon across genders and pussy vs. dick sexual orientation: personality is the biggest factor for some hot, satisfying fucking. Confidence, an enjoyable personality, and attractiveness are what will determine how good the sex is.

Good thing all of us at Niteflirt have plenty of personality and variety to go around. We love getting off every way under the sun, not to mention all shapes and sizes of cock!

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