NEWS: Downward Dog it is!

It seems like there are dozens of reasons why you should get on the yogi train; mental stability, physical fitness, anxiety relief, flexibility, inner peace, spiritual connection, and the list goes on and on. Well there is one more reason that might entice all of you that are on the fence with yoga: I came across an article on Playboy that discussed how yoga can help with sexual desires, and physical strength during one of the world’s favorite past times. Sex!

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_yogaAccording to The Journal of Sexual Medicine women that started to participate in the yoga practice reported increased levels of arousal and motivation to achieve orgasms…ummm namaaaaste. I hate to sound cliché but I would suggest people of all ages and sex try yoga out, go to at least 5 classes before you make your decision on this lifestyle. I know from personal experience that yoga brings many good fortunes to my life, and I know my physical fitness and mental well being are factors that effect my sexual appetite. Pilates is also another physical activity that will help in this area. It’s all about strengthening your core and working those pelvic muscles! YEE HAW! If there are any yogis reading this please share what yoga practice you follow and if it helps in your sex life.

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