NEWS: Eyes On The Prize

If you’re a sexually seasoned individual you may have been involved in a Ménage à trios, perhaps you’ve dabbled with anal beads, but have you partaken in eyeball licking? It’s what all the cool kids in Japan are doing, ooof totally gives an eye for an eye a new meaning.

Eyeball licking is called oculolinctus or “worming”… wow that just upped the ante on the shock factor.  The sex craze exploded on the Internet last week after Chinese news site “Shanghaiist” dished the deets. This fetish is not a safe sexual practice, and it has caused outbreaks of pink eye, and even a few cases of eye Chlamydia!! Word on the street is that eyeball licking is considered second base among Japanese teens. I’m all about taking it slow but I’d rather just steal third base and bypass worming.

Will you and your partner indulge and try out eyeball licking?

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