NEWS: Five things you didn’t know about vibrators

Nowadays, women can get whatever vibrator or dildo strikes her fancy and piques her sensuous curiosity. It’s hard to imagine a time before having the option to buy a thousand different sex toys in the color, texture, shape, size, vibration strength, etc. of a lady’s choosing. But women using sexual devices to get off is certainly not a modern phenomenon. In fact, they’ve been doing it since the days of antiquity. Here’s some mind-blowing facts about vibrators to make you appreciate the glory of technology that is the modern sex toy:


  1. Cleopatra invented the first vibrator
    It’s been said that a horny Cleopatra used angry bees in a hollow gourd when she didn’t have sexy Marc Anthony to take care of her naughty needs. History describes her right: she’s one clever, independent woman!
  2. Doctors made women cum, over and over and over
    That’s right. Doctors believed that making a woman cum by stroking her pussy with his hand or by spraying her clit with high pressure water could “relieve” her of a great many ailments. Back then doctors intuited what we here at Niteflirt have always known: cumming often is key for good health and happiness!
  3. The first vibrators were steam-pressured and hand-cranked
    Because the doctors’ arms were getting tired helping so many women to cum each day, sometimes numerous times a day, viola! the first vibrators were invented. In the late 19th century, since steam was the main way machines were powered, inventors borrowed the technology to create the first vibrator. It boasted “the deepest vibration” and “effective in service.” Sounds intense and expedient!
  4. Finally, the electricity-powered vibrator
    Invented in 1902, the electrical technology was so new only the sewing machine, fan, tea kettle, and toaster came before it. Who would think that during such a chaste, mannered era, getting women off was of top priority?
  5. The cordless vibrator at last
    It was invented right at the climax (tee hee) of the 60’s Sexual Revolution. Now women were free to orgasm at their own convenience, as often as they wanted, with only the aid of a battery and their own lusty urge for action.

Who wants to celebrate the glory of getting off with sex toys? We got what you need right here!

Check out more facts about the vibrator here.

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