NEWS: Foods To Get You In The Mood

If you aren’t incorporating food into your fucking yet, you’re doing it wrong. And we don’t just mean the food you put ON your body while in bed, we also mean the food you decide to eat before you jump into the sack. If you haven’t caught on to the romance food craze yet, let me introduce you. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_eating

There are certain foods that are considered aphrodisiacs. Foods like figs, oysters, artichokes and honey are among some of the best. The reasons vary: some are because of the shape of the food (figs look like a gorgeous pussy), others are because of the sensuality you feel when you eat them. Whatever the reason, if it makes us more horny, we’ll have two orders please!

Here is a great list of foods to eat right before getting your fuck on.

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