NEWS: Go Green The Sexy Way!

Whether you choose to drive a Prius, recycle, or use eco-friendly sex products you’re helping out the environment. Bravo! French businessman Frederic Donnat owner of Divinextases (a French Firm) launched a natural “erotic cosmetics” line 2 years ago. Donnat noticed a cash cow in the market and went for it! He saw something “more interesting than the usual organic beauty product.”

How amazing! Now you can enjoy the fruits of fucking whilst being conscientious about the planet, Merci Frederic Donnat! Donnat has 8 products currently and is working towards creating 4 new products for next year! According to the Huff Post he has all sorts of naughty organic goodies, “From balms for buttocks left sore by a spanking session to intimate perfumes, all Donnat’s products are made in France with sustainable materials from reputable sources. They use beeswax and shea butter rather than palm oil and all are wrapped in recyclable packaging.” All efforts to preserve our environment are commendable in my eyes, even better when it’s associated with pleasure time toys!

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