NEWS: Go Topless Every Every Day That Ends In Y in the NYC!

Summer in the big apple is right around the corner, and it’s going to be the tits! As a female New Yorker I’m flabbergasted I was unaware that it’s perfectly legal for women to expose their tatas in New York City!  In February New York City police officers were given specific orders that topless women are not to be arrested.

This is no hoax, or booby trap to get someone arrested. J It seems Holly Van Voast a Bronx Photographer and Performance Artist is behind this topless movement. Van Voast has been known to reveal her tig ol’ bitties in many different areas of NYC including: the A train, and the Oyster Bar in Grand Central, both times ending in her arrest.  Clearly things have changed since then. 

According to the NY times Van Voast filed a federal lawsuit recently that clearly states: “that bare-breasted women should not be cited for public lewdness, indecent exposure or any other section of the penal law.” There you have it ladies, feel free to bare your boobs in NYC! I can understand how you’d want to let it all hang out in the hot humid city summers but not when there’s a nip in the air.

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