NEWS: HBO Bringing In New Sex Show

Do you guys remember that HBO show in the 90’s called ‘Real Sex’? This was before the internet was in everyone’s hands at any given time, and when sex was not completely taboo, but the internet porn scene hadn’t quite really hit mainstream. It was a show that documented some of the more quirky sex topics happening around the country. And it was awesome. We watched it all the time, and it was our first exposure to some of the more underground sex scenes in the world. best_phone_sex_niteflirt_hbo

Well luckily for us, HBO is coming back with ‘Sex/Now’, which is set to air its series premiere on January 2nd at 11 pm. Like many other kids who grew up watching ‘Real Sex‘, it was kind of our first exposure to porn, and it’s likely we masturbated to a few episodes here and there. We wonder what this new generation of topics will cover.

Will you be watching?


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