NEWS: Hot Buns: Denmark Restaurant Combines Food and Sex

Remember the days of getting a toy inside your happy meal? Well, a Denmark restaurant just upped the ante with their special: burger, fries, and a sex toy! Hot Buns, a Danish Gastropub famous for their juicy burgers (or is it for their waitresses?), is the first ever restaurant to combine food and sex. Here’s the deets:best_phone_sex_niteflirt_girls_eating

Hot Buns After Dark is a burger, fry, and sex shop joint! Seriously. You can chow down on gastropub fare while also shopping for dildos, vibrators, cock rings (don’t confuse that with your onion rings—could get dangerous!), and whips. The owner explains, “On Friday and Saturday nights, there are only two things most people want: sex and food. We’re combining them both.” For a restaurant that boasts “Boobs of the Day” on their instagram page (basically, guess which hot server these tits belong to), a burger/sex shop does seem the logical next step. Hooters, take note!

This is either the best or worst idea ever; jury’s still out. In the meantime, if you’re hungry for some of our hot buns, we’ve got the juiciest, most mouthwatering ones you’ll ever sink your teeth into! Give ours a try!

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