NEWS: Hot New Sleeping Bag To Fuck In

Aw, camping. Another thing we love about summer. Something about the fresh air, natural scenery, and remoteness of the great outdoors really unleashes our wild side. What is it about being outside in a tent looking up at the stars with just the sounds of crickets, wildlife, and a rushing river that best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sleepingbagsmakes a person want to get even dirtier and sweatier? But sometimes fucking while camping can be a bit, well, tricky. What with bouncing around and trying to balance on an air mattress, not to mention the unsexy necessity of leaving socks on to stay warm. Well, we have good news: now there’s a sleeping bag big enough for you to fuck in! It’s called the Sexy Hotness Sleeping Bag and, as its name implies, it’s intended to provide enough room to really be able to get down to some sexy, hot fun. It also has strategically placed zippers with holes for your arms in case you need them free to grope around as they please, and zippers so you can zip two of them together for a luxurious fuck session in the dark. What a brilliant idea!

All this talk of fucking in nature is bringing out our primitive side. Who wants to get wild with us?

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